Piedmont, California
When: has already passed
Where: Piedmont Veterans Memorial Building, 401 Highland Avenue
Who: Everyone is welcome
How much: Free
Adult Recreation Expo
Piedmont Center for the Arts
​Enables artists to perform and display their works
Contact: Sue Malick
PRD Class - Ladies’ Art Night Out With Clay and Artist Workshop Series
​Art class combining creativity with a social setting.
Contact: Catrina Marchetti
PRD Class - Mobile Phone Photography
Photography class to improve mobile phone camera skills.
Website: None, call (510) 420-3070
Contact: Joffrey Baylon

League of Women Voters of Piedmont
Empowering voters and defending democracy.
Contact: Kathleen Quenneville
Piedmont Civic Association
Maintains and enhances Piedmont as a desirable community.
​​Website: https://www.piedmontcivic.org/about/
Contact: Not given
Piedmont Anti-Racism and Diversity Committee
Works to dismantle systems of oppression and promote inclusivity.
Website: https://www.padc.info/
Contact: Ellen Lee
Piedmont Historical Society
Encourages interest in and knowledge of Piedmont’s unique history.
Website: Piedmonthistorical.org
Contact: Gail G Lombardi
Piedmont Mahjong Social Club
Mahjong club for all levels of play.
Website: https://www.piedmontedfoundation.org/announcement/piedmont-mahjong-social-club/
Contact: None given
Piedmont Recreation Department
Offers various activities for adults including art, dance, yoga, music and exercise programs.
Website: www.piedmont.ca.gov
Contact: Eva Phalen
Piedmont Seniors
Encourages new friendships and adventures for seniors with monthly meetings and excursions.
Website: https://piedmont.ca.gov/services___departments/recreation/older_adults
Contact: Janet Epstein
El Grupo Latino de Piedmont
Provides connection, identity, and support for Latinx Piedmonters.
Contact: Cara Goldstein

PRD Class - Comics for Adults
Teaches adults to create their own comic characters and stories.
Website: www.carascartooningacademy.com
Contact: Cara Goldstein
PAS Class: Beginning Excel
Teaches skills to use Excel for creating spreadsheets.
Website: ​piedmontadultschool.org
Contact: Dennis Mockel
PAS Class: Get to Know Your Digital Camera
Learn how to use the various controls on digital cameras.
Website: ​piedmontadultschool.org
Contact: Dennis Mockel
PAS Class: Getting the most from your iPhone, iPad, and Apple Computers
Covers tips and tricks for using Apple devices effectively.
Website: ​piedmontadultschool.org
Contact: Dennis Mockel
PAS Class: Woodland Wonders in Colored Pencil
Learn to draw woodland creatures using various techniques.
Website: ​piedmontadultschool.org
Contact: Jennifer Linderman
​Piedmont Adult School
Offers classes in various subjects like arts, business, and computers.
Website: ​piedmontadultschool.org
Contact: Shannon Fierro
Appreciating Diversity Film Series
Collaborative film series followed by community dialogue.
Website: https://my.lwv.org/california/piedmont/appreciating-diversity-film-series
Contact: None given
2nd Thursdays Flix Fest
A movie screening and discussion group meeting on the second Thursday of each month.
Website: https://piedmontexedra.com/2024/03/new-showtime-for-second-thursday-flix-fest
Contact: Darby Gregg

Piedmont Beautification Foundation
Creates safe and beautiful public spaces in Piedmont.
Contact: Patty Dunlap
Piedmont Connect
Advocates for sustainability in Piedmont.
Website: https://www.piedmontconnect.org/
Contact: Garrett Keating
Mind and Body
Line Dancing with Delia Schletter
Line dancing class to various music genres.
Website: None given
Contact: Delia Schletter
Pickin' with Rick Schiller Solo Guitar
A free monthly guitar concert with conversation and education.
Website: None given
Contact: Rick Schiller
Piedmont Jazzercise
Dance cardio and strength training classes.
Website: https://www.jazzercise.com/studio/ca/piedmont-veterans-hall
Contact: Lisa Peters and Kim Warren
Piedmont Pickleball
Hosts open Pickleball games across three locations in town.
Website: https://piedmont.ca.gov/services___departments/recreation/pickleball_courts
Contact: Molly Lloyd
PRD Class - Aging Well with Yoga - Piedmont Recreation Department Class
Gentle yoga to improve balance, strength, and mindfulness.
Contact: Petra Fibrichova
PRD Class - Aging Well with Yoga - Piedmont Recreation Department Class
Gentle yoga to improve balance, strength, and mindfulness.
Contact: Petra Fibrichova
​PRD Class - Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation
Teaches practical resources to reduce stress and promote calm lives.
Website: None given, call (510) 420-3070
Contact: Mark Herrick
PRD Class - Monday Mamas Dancing Divas Dance Fitness Class
Dance fitness class set to music for fun and strength.
Website: None given, call (510) 420-3070
Contact: Katy Vosburg
PRD Class - Monday Mamas Dancing Divas Dance Fitness Class
Dance fitness class set to music for fun and strength.
Website: None given, call (510) 420-3070
Contact: Katy Vosburg
PRD Class - Piedmont Highland Dance (PHD)
Cultural dance class encouraging fitness and fun.
Website: phdance.org
Contact: Ann McGrael Galvez
PRD Class - The Principles of T'ai Chi, Breath and Flow - Piedmont Recreation Department Class
T'ai Chi class focusing on grounding, balance, and alignment.
Website: https://karinalandriver.blogspot.com/2023/01/reflections-on-teaching-principles-and.html
Contact: Karina Epperlein
Walking on Wednesdays
An informal group walking Piedmont streets every Wednesday.
Website: https://www.walkingpiedmont.com/
Contact: Dick Carter
Yoga Essentials with Laura Timothy
Yoga class for flexibility, strength, and mindfulness.
Website: None given
Contact: Laura Timothy

Bagpipe Band
Award-winning traditional Scottish bagpipe band.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/p/Piedmont-Highlanders-Pipes-Drums-100063048888202/
Contact: None given
First Mondays Reading Group
A reading/book group that meets on the first Monday of each month.
Website: None given
Contact: Priscilla Wanerus