A variety of community arts classes are offered through the Piedmont Recreation Department and the Piedmont Adult School. Classes include cooking, languages, computers, phones, technology, arts and crafts.
Appreciating Diversity Film Series: ADFS screens about six documentary films each year, and follow each screening with speakers or a community conversation. Every film is shown both in Oakland and in Piedmont.
Piedmont Arts Fund: Piedmont Arts Fund supports orchestral music, instrumental and vocal instruction in the elementary schools, jazz and concert band, dance, and theater. PAF helps to fund choral and instrumental coaches, accompanists, and clinicians. The funds raised also help to buy and repair musical instruments.
Piedmont Center for the Arts: Enables artists and students in music, dramatic arts, visual arts, literature and more to perform and display their works.​
Piedmont Choirs: The Piedmont East Bay Children's Choir attracts boys and girls ages 5-18 from throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and over 100 schools in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco and Solano counties.
Piedmont Highlanders Drums & Pipes: (Possibly through the Rec Department) Piedmont Highlanders Pipe Band! We are an award-winning traditional Scottish bagpipe band, welcoming all levels. We emphasize individual improvement and ensemble playing. Don’t let our fun attitude fool you—we work a lot on getting a quality sound. Pipers need own pipes/practice chanter; drums provided for drummers if available.
Second Thursdays Flix Fest: This new social group is a way for movie lovers to get together on the second Thursday of the month, see fine films, and talk about them afterward (optional). Watch a movie of a different genre each month, followed by a discussion session for those so inclined. The specific movies will be determined by that month's volunteer host (with some input from the group). Movie goers may bring a lunch or snacks to enjoy while watching the film. Doors open at 10:30 am Movie starts promptly at 10:45 after a short introduction. Free and open to 18 and over. Advanced registration is required.
​City of Piedmont Website for the City of Piedmont
​El Grupo Latino de Piedmont The online space for Latinx-identifying members of the Piedmont, CA community. We are an affinity group formed to provide connection, identity, fellowship, visibility and support for Latinx Piedmonters.
​League of Women Voters of Piedmont (LWVP): nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect & expand voting rights through advocacy, education, and litigation, at local, state, and national levels.
Piedmont Civic Association: The mission of the Piedmont Civic Association (PCA) is to maintain and enhance Piedmont as a desirable community through the informed participation of its citizens. This well-respected Piedmont organization originated in 1986. PCA is strictly non-partisan.
Piedmont Anti-Racism & Diversity Committee (PADC): works to dismantle systems of oppression, and replace them with policies and practices to nurture a connected and inclusive community through grants, education sessions and partnerships with schools/community.
Piedmont Asian American Club: The PAAC mission is to engage Piedmont schools and community in cultural, educational, and social activities while acting as a forum and resource for Asian American issues in Piedmont.
Piedmont Black Youth Family Collective: The mission of BYFC is to build community and connection among our diverse Piedmont families and celebrate the many influences and experiences of the African Diaspora. BYFC aims to (i) raise, and advocate for, awareness of the Black community within Piedmont, (ii) identify and address issues and concerns important to families with children who have or identify with Black heritage, and (iii) contribute to, and foster, a culture of diversity and inclusion within the Piedmont community.
Piedmont Families FB group: Over 1,700 member Facebook group for Piedmont families, and families with kids in the Piedmont schools, to connect with each other through the COVID pandemic and beyond.
Piedmont Jewish Community Group: A Facebook group for the Piedmont Jewish community to connect.
Piedmont Historical Society: The purpose of the Piedmont Historical Society is to encourage interest and increase knowledge of Piedmont’s unique local history, to publish material of historical interest, to produce exhibits and events and to collect material of historical importance to the city.
Piedmont Neighbors' and Newcomers' Club (PNNC): Membership in PNNC is open to residents and employees of the City of Piedmont.
Piedmont-Montclair Rotary: Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders who dedicate their time and talent to tackle the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. Rotary connects 1.2 million members from more than 200 countries and geographical areas. Their work impacts lives at both the local and international levels.
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Piedmont Racial Equity Campaign (PREC): PREC's aim is to galvanize the Piedmont community to engage in direct anti-racist actions through four main focus areas: promoting anti-racism policies and environments in the schools, diversifying our city and its leadership, promoting policies that lead to diverse, affordable housing, and reforming public safety efforts.
Piedmont Beautification Foundation: In partnership with the city, creates beautiful public spaces that foster a strong sense of pride and community.
​Piedmont Connect: Supports initiatives and city efforts to build a sustainable future. Piedmont Connect's work includes education, advocacy, and events.
Piedmont Garden Club: Located in the East Bay Hills of the San Francisco Bay, the Piedmont Garden Club is was founded in 1923 and has been a part of the Garden Club of America since 1926. Piedmont Garden Club members meet monthly to learn about garden-related topics including garden and floral design, garden photography, horticulture and environmental conservation. Other activities include hands-on workshops, field trips and work projects.
Corpus Christi Church: 322 St. James Drive Piedmont, CA 94611, (510) 530-4343
Kehilla Community Synagogue: 1300 Grand Avenue Piedmont, CA 94610 (510) 547-2424
Piedmont Community Church: 400 Highland Avenue Piedmont, CA 94611 (510) 547-5700
Zion Lutheran Church: 5201 Park Boulevard Piedmont, CA 94611 (510) 530-4213
Many other places of worship are available in the neighboring communities of Berkeley and Oakland.
​Piedmont Exedra is a local, independent digital news founded in November 2018 by a group of Piedmont residents who have been active in the community over many decades.
Piedmont Post is the community’s own weekly newspaper. Every Wednesday, the paper is delivered to your front door (also online with a subscription). ​​​​
Piedmont Community Service Crew: is a youth led group under the Piedmont Scouts of America council. It provides leadership skills to empower Bay Area teens through service in their community.
Piedmont Council Scouts of America: provides youth with opportunities to learn new skills, explore the outdoors, build friendships, develop leadership skills and reinforce character values. The largest scout troop per capita in the country.
Piedmont Makers: Support and inspire K-12 STEAM education, including the annual makers' faire and the city's robotics league/team
Piedmont Scouting: The Piedmont Council Boy Scouts of America, located in Piedmont, California, uniquely provides youth in our community with opportunities to learn new skills, explore the outdoors, build friendships, develop leadership skills and reinforce character values that last a lifetime.